The Subconscious

This past weekend was pretty fun. I got to celebrate my birthday with several different groups of people, and each celebration was enjoyable. However, last night, when I went to bed, the anxiety that I had been suppressing broke through the floodgates. My dreams reflected what I had consciously ignored. I had several nightmares about getting my MCAT scores back. Ridiculous, isn't it? I thought I didn't care. But evidently, my subconscious is letting me know that I do. I woke up feeling sick to the stomach. Of course, as the day passed, I became complacent once again. I've been doing my work for school. I have a Statistics exam due on Thursday, and an Instrumentation Lab exam on Friday. I also have a project due in Instrumentation lab and a problem set for Instrumentation lecture. I've actually been enjoying instrumentation thus far. Our next project will be to build an EMG device. I'm going to miss these things when I go to medical school. But hopefully, I'll do research, and that'll allow me to continue expressing my engineering side. :)