My file is open...heaven help me.

I think the only way to remain sane through the process which I'm about to begin is to blog about it. Yesterday, I went to Rice's (the university, not the food or Secretary of State) open file session. Basically, I declared my medical school application file 'open' to apply for the Fall of 2009. Wow. 2009. That feels so far away, but they want us to start really early. In my first major step towards Med school application mania, I went and submitted my resume from high school. That's right: from high school. Evidently, they want to be able to prove that our success is a continuing legacy...rather than some random fluke that happened at Rice. (Which begs the question: could anyone succeed at Rice as the result of a fluke?)

Oh yeah, evidently MCAT scores are coming out October 10th. (For reference, I took the exam on September 8th.) I hardly even remember what I went through for that exam. I do recall; however, that I sang at the top of my lungs as I drove to the testing center (at 7 AM in the morning). I also wore my snowman pajamas. Because after all, how many people can brag that they took the MCAT in pajamas?

The manager of the MCAT testing center told me interesting stories from when he had been at Rice. (It's always interesting to bump into Rice alumn.) Evidently, he and his roommates were quite the trouble makers. His roommates had wanted to steal street signs. He had told them that they could do it, but that they had to do it in STYLE. So what did they do? They stole the signs for the most expensive neighborhood in Houston, the sign for the street of the Houston Police Department, and one more, which I can't remember. This is what I heard about before I took my MCAT.